Multifamily Energy Alliance (MEA) Program

Trade Professional List

This directory includes participating Trade Professional who have undergone MEA Program training and can assist with the installation of rebated measures. From application to installation of energy-efficient equipment, these professionals provide technical support and assist you every step of the way.

SoCalGas nor ICF endorse or employ any of the Trade Professional listed below. MEA Program participants are not required to work with a listed Trade Professional; however, please ensure that the Trade Professional with whom you complete your MEA project meets program requirements as outlined in the Program Terms and Conditions.

For Direct Install Equipment Customers: for customers installing Direct Install Equipment, the authorized Trade Professionals have been vetted and approved to provide services to SoCalGas customers.

MEA Trade Professionals


Contact Name




Planet OptimaYoung Chang310‑666‑6505multifamily@planetoptima.com17306 Roseton Ave., Artesia, CA 90701
American Power SolutionsAngela Lim714‑626‑0300angela@americanpowersolutions.com14355 Industry Circle, La Mirada, CA 90638
Bottom Line Utility Solutions, Inc.David Sonke949‑707‑1311Dsonke@Blusinc.Com23015 Del Lago Drive Ste D2, Laguna Hills, CA 92653
Kern Craft ConstructionKeith Riley661‑779‑2852keith.kcc22@gmail.com1185 Minter Ave, Shafter, CA 93263
EvergreenDavid Suh213‑215‑7054Davjsuh@gmail.com151 W. 33rd St., Los Angeles, CA 90007
Enovative Manufacturing LLCJuliana Campbell909-914-8687julianac@enovativegroup.com440 N. Barranca Ave #5425, Covina CA 91723
MBT ConstructionAlesia Sandoval949-414-9696info@mbtconstruction.com10725 Ellis Ave STE D, Foutain Valley, CA 92708